Did you know you can click on the music tab and listen to tracks from my new CD at no cost

Shadows and Dreams is a collection of 13 tracks.  Each track reflects Ricks long musical journey. It starts out with renditions of some traditional folk music, moves on to original Folk/Americana tracks continuing into some tracks with a Country feel and culminating with some original Christian Contemporary tracks.  There's nothing here to offend the listener; this is a CD for the entire family to enjoy.  What you're not going to hear is a lot of "U-2" sounding guitars or what may be called "banging and clanging".  Each song is carefully crafted with thoughtful lyrics and compelling melodies. 

One of the featured songs "Follow the Drinking Gourd" currently has over 38,795 Youtube views. 

This CD is the product of over 4 years of work.  Some of you may know that Rick suffered a terrible injury to his left hand, leaving only two fingers and thumb usable on the fretboard; but, through perseverance and hard work Rick devised a method and style that enabled the music to continue to flow. And flow it does on this new CD. 

Please join us in enjoying this wonderful work.

New Release

Our latest Release "Shadows and Dreams" is available for download as the complete CD, or individual tracks on the music page.  Also physical CD's will soon be available at Hy-Vee Markets, Brothers Records, iTunes, Amazon Music and all CD Baby stores. 

Contact your favorite radio station and request airplay. 

Shadows and Dreams is currently listed as #9 on the ReverbNation Americana charts and #1 on KXOJ Radio.

During this crazy time artists are unable to perform in person. Any contribution to keep the arts alive will be greatly appreciated. In the future, we will be adding a video performance that you may view by submitting a tip of your choice.

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The minimum tip is $1.00

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"Follow The Drinking Gourd" is approaching over 38,000 views on YouTube.

Join my mailing list for the latest news and information and a free download.

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